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Advanced Endodontic Services & Technology – Worcester, MA

Precise Treatment Using The Latest Technology

At Worcester Endodontics, we’re dedicated to achieving long-lasting, oral health-rejuvenating treatment results that allow patients to enjoy their natural smiles for a lifetime. One of the ways that we’re able to do that is by using the latest diagnostic and operatory technology, like our cone beam CT scanner, microscopes, and GentleWave. You can learn more about some of the gadgets that we utilize in our endodontic office by reading below.

Woman receiving advanced dental services and technology

Digital X-Rays

Panoramic digital dental x-rays on computer screen

Our digital X-ray system works similarly to a digital camera—once we snap a picture of your mouth, it will be immediately viewable on a chairside monitor, allowing our endodontists to see signs of cysts, tumors, and infections to diagnose oral health problems. The process is fast and easy, and using digital technology instead of traditional film X-ray systems allows us to easily store and transfer files to your dentist, so nobody misses a beat when it comes to organizing your treatment.

3D Cone Beam CT Scanner

Woman receiving 3 D cone beam C T scanner x-rays

The 3D cone beam CT scanner is a special imaging device that creates a panoramic, 3D model of the entire facial structure, allowing our endodontists to view facial nerves, dentition, the jawbone, and other crucial details to plan treatments. The process only takes about 30-seconds as well, so you won’t have to worry about sitting still in an uncomfortable position for a long time. 

Operating Microscopes

Endondontist using operating microscopes

We plan each treatment that we conduct down to the very last detail, and with our operating microscopes, we don’t miss a beat. These come in handy by allowing us to see the small, inner structure of a tooth that we’re treating and make sure that no harmful oral bacteria get left behind to reinfect a tooth that has already undergone root canal therapy.

Apex Locators

Apex locator system

One of the most important parts of root canal therapy is to properly identify each part of the tooth. Most teeth have root canals that are cone-shaped and taper down from the crown. An “open apex” is when the tooth doesn’t close at the end of the root. Using our Apex Locator, we can make sure that this is properly sealed to prevent the entrance of any unwanted bacteria.


Gentle Wave endodnotic treatment system

GentleWave is a non-invasive procedure that clears and disinfects the root canals without the use of typical, metal instruments. Instead, it uses a powerful vortex of special fluids and acoustic energy to clean some of the most difficult to reach places in the root canal system. It’s able to remove infected tissue, debris, and bacteria effectively without traumatizing the tooth, leading to early, successful healing.

Learn About GentleWave Technology

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