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Worcester Endodontics Blog

5 Must-Know Tips for Traveling After a Root Canal

May 31, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Lissa @ 3:55 pm
Group of friends smiling on road trip

Now that the weather is warming up, you may be counting down the days until your next staycation or getaway. Your PTO has been approved, your bags are packed, your activities are booked… and your endodontist confirms that you need a root canal. Will this tooth-saving procedure interfere with your summer plans? Keep reading to find out!


True or False: Root Canals Cause Cancer

April 18, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Lissa @ 5:02 pm
Woman with glasses and blazer wondering

Over the years, there have been countless false rumors about root canal therapy. One of the most prevailing ones is that this procedure causes illnesses. Naturally, this leads many patients to postpone treatment or put it off entirely. However, it’s important to know that this is nothing more than a myth. So, if you’ve been wondering, “Do root canals cause cancer?” then keep reading to learn the truth about this tooth-saving treatment!


Why You Need a Root Canal Even If Your Tooth Stops Hurting

March 30, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Lissa @ 1:41 pm
Endodontist showing patient X-ray

Has your once painful toothache suddenly gone radio silent? While your first reaction may be to cue the celebration music, it’s important to know that your tooth hasn’t healed on its own. In fact, this drastic change in your symptoms is likely a sign of something worse: the infection “killing” the nerve. As a result, getting a root canal ASAP is even more important. To learn all about what happens if you don’t and why you shouldn’t fear this tooth-saving procedure, read on!


Root Canals vs. Tooth Extractions: Which Is Best for You?

February 18, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Lissa @ 8:59 pm
Dentist explaining X-ray to patient

Despite advancements in dentistry and technology, root canals continue to be one of the most feared procedures. So, when patients hear that they need endodontic surgery, it’s not too surprising that one of the first questions they have is, “Is there another option?” While tooth extractions are a viable alternative, there are some important benefits of root canal therapy to consider. To learn more about root canals vs. tooth extractions, read on!


How Long Does Root Canal Therapy Take?

January 27, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Lissa @ 8:45 pm
Man smiling after root canal therapy in Worcester

It’s no secret that people don’t like root canals. In fact, a recent survey from the AAE of 1,000 participants found that 53% would rather have a snake in their lap for 15 minutes and 41% would rather go swimming with sharks! While you don’t have to be excited about getting this tooth-saving procedure, you don’t have to dread it. In fact, the whole thing may take far less time than you expect! Read on as we cover how long you can expect root canal therapy in Worcester to take.


Fact Check: Root Canal Truths You Should Know

December 23, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Lissa @ 8:23 pm
Dentist explaining root canal therapy to patient

Do you need a root canal? Then you may be shaking in your boots. After all, it’s one of the most feared dental procedures. Luckily, the reputation it holds is much worse than the treatment itself. In fact, once patients debunk the common myths, they feel much better heading into their appointment. With this in mind, keep reading to learn a few facts about root canal therapy that will show you there is nothing to fear!


Root Canal Retreatment: What It Is & Why It’s Sometimes Necessary

November 30, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Lissa @ 7:49 pm
Dentist explaining X-ray to patient

Despite their scary reputation, root canals are one of the most straightforward, effective, and reliable tooth-saving treatments available. In many cases, the new and improved tooth can last a lifetime, allowing patients to fully enjoy a pain-free smile once again. There are some cases, however, when root canal retreatment is necessary. To learn more, read on!


What Is a Pulpectomy & Pulpotomy?

October 30, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Lissa @ 6:57 pm
Child with tooth pain visiting dentist

Did you know that more than 90% of Americans have had at least one cavity by the time they are 21? Sadly, that means your child will likely experience some degree of tooth decay throughout the years. If left untreated, the issue can progress, working its way to the inner layers. When this happens, both the look and function of your child’s smile are at risk. Fortunately, there is a solution: a pulpectomy or pulpotomy. To learn more about root canals for kids, read on!


Endodontist vs. Dentist: Who Should You Trust for Root Canal Therapy?

September 30, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Lissa @ 5:38 pm
Closeup of man with glasses wondering

Do you need root canal therapy? You’re certainly not alone. In fact, roughly 15 million of these teeth-saving treatments are performed each year in America. During this procedure, the decay and diseased tissue from inside the tooth are removed, saving your tooth from further damage and, in severe cases, tooth loss. While both general dentists and endodontists can perform this treatment, there are certain benefits to choosing the latter. Keep reading to learn what they are!


Are Root Canals Really as Painful as You’ve Heard?

August 13, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Lissa @ 12:35 am
Woman lying back in dental chair and smiling

Root canal therapy is often played up as an extremely painful procedure in movies and on television. As such, many people are frightened of the procedure and may even try to avoid it. But are root canals painful, or is that just a myth? Plenty of dental procedures cause some level of discomfort, but managing the pain is often easier than you might think. Your endodontist can help you fully understand what you can expect during and after your root canal?

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