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How Long Can I Expect Root Canal Therapy to Take?

July 1, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Lissa @ 7:24 pm
a patient visiting his dentist for root canal therapy

Root canals have an unfair reputation; despite all of the things you might’ve seen about them on television or heard through the grapevine, this dental treatment isn’t super painful or incredibly frightening at all! In fact, it actually gives a compromised tooth the best possible chance of being salvaged. That said, if your dentist has informed you that it might be necessary, you shouldn’t worry about a thing. Although, you might still have concerns about the expected length of the procedure. Here’s a little more information to help you feel confident about committing to treatment.


Getting a Root Canal? Here’s Why It’s Good News!

May 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Lissa @ 5:12 pm
a patient visiting their endodontist for a root canal

Root canals have an unjust and unwarranted reputation—they’re often portrayed as scary, intensive dental procedures in movies and television, and you’ve maybe even heard through the grapevine that they’re extremely painful. But despite what you’ve seen or heard, root canal therapy is a very good thing; in fact, the procedure is arguably one of the best ways to salvage a tooth that’s been damaged or suffered extensive decay! Keep reading to learn a little more about this process and why you shouldn’t feel hesitant about undergoing it yourself.


You Asked, We Answered: Is Pain After a Root Canal Normal?

April 20, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Lissa @ 6:30 pm
Man with tooth pain talking to endodontist in office

Although root canal therapy is often feared, it’s actually positive news: it means your tooth is another step closer to being fully functional and healthy once more! Whether you recently had your first root canal or it’s been several years since your last one, you may have questions about the recovery process, such as “Is pain after a root canal normal?” To learn the answer, read on.


I Need a Root Canal: Should I Trust a Dentist or Endodontist?

February 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Lissa @ 9:03 pm
a patient visiting their endodontist for a root canal

If you’ve recently been informed that you’re going to need root canal therapy, you might be wondering what your options are for receiving the treatment. Your dentist might be able to perform the procedure in their own office, or they might refer you to an endodontist—but how do these two specialists differ and what should be considered when deciding what’s best for your smile? Keep reading to learn more.


Why Is There a Bump on My Gums?

January 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Lissa @ 10:51 pm
a closeup of a patient inspecting a bump on their gums

If you’ve recently discovered a bump on your gums, you’re probably wondering what it is and what you need to do about it! Here are some of the common causes for bumps appearing on your gums, along with some signs for when you should seek treatment from your endodontist.


Here’s Everything You Need to Know About Root Resorption

December 28, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Lissa @ 6:28 pm
Endodontist reviewing paperwork and X-ray with patient

From “apicoectomy” to “intentional replantation,” there are lots of unfamiliar words you may hear the first time you visit an endodontist. The good news is that we are here to help! Although rare, root resorption is something that can happen with adults, and it needs to be detected and treated in the early stages. With this in mind, keep reading to learn what it is, the early warning signs, and how your endodontist can address it!


What Is Root Canal Retreatment & Why Do I Need It?

November 7, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Lissa @ 12:06 am
Closeup of pained woman in need of root canal retreatment in Worcester

Thanks to modern-day dental technology and advanced training, root canal therapy is dependably successful. In most cases, this tooth-saving procedure can eliminate painful toothaches right away and restore the function of a tooth for a lifetime! However, a very small percentage of patients may need root canal retreatment. If you ever hear that your root canal needs to be redone, you may feel understandably concerned! Fortunately, you have nothing to be worried about. Read on to learn more about why you might need retreatment and what to expect from it.


GentleWave: The Quicker Alternative to Traditional Root Canal Therapy?

October 27, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Lissa @ 3:58 pm
Closeup of woman wondering about root canal therapy

Typically, root canal therapy is broken up into two appointments that are about 90 minutes each. For patients who struggle with dental-related anxiety or are fearful of this procedure, that’s a big ask! Fortunately, advanced techniques make this tooth-saving treatment significantly more comfortable. In fact, state-of-the-art technology like GentleWave is known for being less invasive and incredibly effective. But can it also cut down on your time in the treatment chair? Keep reading for the answer.


Intentional Replantation: What It Is, How It Works, & More

September 21, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Lissa @ 3:11 pm
Dentist explaining intentional replantation to patient

Even if you aren’t in the dental field, you’ve probably heard some popular terms, like “root canal” and “tooth extraction.” Of course, there are some other tooth-saving treatments your endodontist may recommend, including intentional replantation. What is it? Why is it important? How successful is it? To learn the answers to these questions, keep reading!


Wondering If Root Canals Are Expensive? Read This!

July 14, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Lissa @ 7:48 pm
Patient calculating the cost of root canal therapy

When you hear you need a root canal, one of the first questions that may come to your mind is, “Will it be expensive?” Since this popular restorative treatment has a scary reputation, it’s not surprising that many patients automatically assume that it is. While there isn’t an all-encompassing answer when it comes to price, there are a few factors that impact the cost of root canals. To learn what they are, read on!

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