If you’ve recently discovered a bump on your gums, you’re probably wondering what it is and what you need to do about it! Here are some of the common causes for bumps appearing on your gums, along with some signs for when you should seek treatment from your endodontist.
Common Culprits for Bumps on Gums
Most people experience gum irritation every once in a while, but in certain cases it can lead to a bump developing. A few reasons for these bumps forming include:
- Cyst – A cyst is a small bubble filled with air, liquid or other soft materials. They often grow slowly and rarely cause any symptoms, though they can sometimes become infected and painfully swell up. This is usually easily treatable through a small surgical procedure.
- Abscess – Abscesses are caused by bacterial infections, and they’re often painful and appear as red bumps that push through the inflamed gum tissue. They’re filled with pus and will need to be drained before the source of the infection can be addressed, generally with root canal therapy.
- Fibroma – Fibromas are noncancerous lumps that develop on irritated gum tissue. They’re usually painless and feel like hard, dome-shaped lumps or dangling skin tags. Normally, they don’t require treatment.
- Canker sore – A canker is a small, painful ulcer that forms at the base of the gums. However, they usually heal on their own within a week or two, and over-the-counter painkillers can be used to help with the discomfort.
- Mandibular torus – This is a common bony growth that can appear in the upper or lower jaw, occurring either alone or in clusters. They grow slowly and rarely require treatment.
- Oral cancer – A cancerous tumor might appear as a small growth or lump, and a gum biopsy is usually needed to determine if the growth is malignant before a treatment plan can be determined.
When You Should Visit Your Dentist
Although a bump on your gums isn’t always an urgent situation, it’s still in your best interest to seek treatment if you experience any serious symptoms; after all, you wouldn’t want an abscess to lead to you ultimately losing a tooth! That said, be on the lookout for the following symptoms:
- Throbbing mouth pain accompanied by fever
- Sores that don’t heal or progressively worsen
- Red or white patches inside your mouth or on your lips
- Lumps that don’t disappear after a few weeks
- Constant bad breath or a foul taste in your mouth
Bumps can appear on your gums without warning and the cause is rarely obvious! That said, visiting your dentist upon experiencing any of these symptoms will ensure that a potentially serious oral health issue isn’t given the chance to develop and that your smile can continue to look and feel its best.
About Worcester Endodontics
Here at Worcester Endodontics, we’re thrilled to bring an exceptional level of care to patients and families in the Worcester, MA area. Our practice is led by the awesome duo of Dr. Karyn Stern and Dr. Niusha Nikkholgh. If you have any questions about the article or you’re concerned about a bump on your gums, don’t hesitate to give us a call today or reach out by phone for assistance: (508) 791-7435.