Thanks to modern-day dental technology and advanced training, root canal therapy is dependably successful. In most cases, this tooth-saving procedure can eliminate painful toothaches right away and restore the function of a tooth for a lifetime! However, a very small percentage of patients may need root canal retreatment. If you ever hear that your root canal needs to be redone, you may feel understandably concerned! Fortunately, you have nothing to be worried about. Read on to learn more about why you might need retreatment and what to expect from it.
Why Root Canal Retreatment Might Be Needed
Root canal therapy is a very successful treatment, so there are not very many reasons why you would need to have yours redone! In fact, root canal retreatment is typically only recommended if the treated tooth has somehow become infected again. This could happen if:
- The tooth has a complex anatomy: If the root canals of your teeth are longer, narrower, or more complex than normal, they will be more difficult to thoroughly clean. If any infected tissue was left behind by accident, then the root canal therapy would need to be redone.
- The tooth wasn’t crowned quickly enough: If a crown was not placed right away after the root canal treatment was completed, bacteria could access the newly treated tooth and infect it.
- The tooth has sustained further damage: A crack or fracture in the enamel after getting root canal therapy can lead to another infection. Root canal treatment will be needed to address the new infection as well as restrengthen the weakened enamel.
Root canal retreatment may be needed right away after the original procedure. However, it could also be recommended many years afterwards. If you ever begin to experience pain, sensitivity, or swelling around your treated tooth, you should contact your dentist right away.
What to Expect From Root Canal Retreatment
If you are preparing for root canal retreatment, you can take heart knowing that there shouldn’t be any new surprises. Retreatment works almost identically as the original procedure. Many times, you’ll be referred to a certified endodontist to ensure the treatment goes as smoothly and comfortably as possible.
Once they’ve thoroughly numbed your mouth and sedated you (if applicable), they’ll take off the restoration covering your tooth. Then, they’ll remove the filling material that was placed inside the tooth and carefully clean the entirety of the root canals. Once the problem areas have been thoroughly cleaned and the tooth has been sterilized, they’ll fill it back up and cap it with a new restoration.
Hopefully, you’ll never need root canal retreatment! However, if you do, you can rest easy knowing exactly what to expect from the procedure. If you have any questions or concerns about your upcoming or recent retreatment, don’t hesitate to reach out to your dentist!
About the Practice
At Worcester Endodontics, our certified experts are proud to provide specialized dental care for injured and infected teeth. We are dedicated to relieving dental pain quickly, preserving natural tooth structure, and helping patients get back to enjoying their happy, healthy, and natural smiles. Our specialists have years of advanced training in diagnosing and treating issues that develop within a tooth, and our compassionate team members will ensure that you feel as comfortable as possible in our office. To learn more about root canal retreatment, you can contact us online or at (508) 791-7435.